How can I purchase a SCCID?
- Ensure your mailing address is current*
- Ensure you are registered for the term
- Emailing CashierOffice@delicious-drop.com including the following information:
- Full name on student record
- Solano student identification number
- Confirm current mailing address
- Pay the student ID fee of $5.00 online or by sending a payment authorization form
to cashieroffice@delicious-drop.com
How can I get a Term Sticker?
- Ensure your mailing address is current*
- Ensure you are registered for the term
- Emailing CashierOffice@delicious-drop.com including the following information:
- Full name on student record
- Solano student identification number
- Confirm current mailing address
How can I pay for my fees?
- Log into MySolano account
- Other payment methods:
- Email completed & signed Credit Card Authorization form with picture ID to CashierOffice@delicious-drop.com
- Manual credit card payments Authorization form:
How can I set up a payment plan?
Follow the link for instructions on how to set up payment plan through our established vendor CASHNET.
When I go to the Admissions and Records Office, what number will they ask for?
When requesting services, you will be able to provide either your SCCID or your social security number; however, we want to encourage you to memorize and use your SCCID. All fee receipts and registration schedules will display your SCCID. Your social security number has been removed from these documents.
How can I get a copy of my 1098T?
1098T forms are usually mailed out to the students address on file at the end of January. Make sure that your address on file is current to avoid delays in receiving your original copy of the form. You can obtain a copy of your 1098T through MySolano.
When can I get my refund?
Refunds are processed at the end of the census date of the new term. If you accidentally made a double payment or wish to be refunded, you may send an email to the cashier office and they will process your refund in 2-3 weeks.
When do I have to pay for my fees?
You must have all fees paid in full to register for classes at Solano Community College. If you owe fees, you will have holds placed on your account that will prevent future registration for classes AND may prevent you from dropping classes that you are currently registered in. Additionally, Solano Community College may drop students from all classes for non-payment of fess prior to the start of a semester or term.
How can I remove a hold on my account?
You may send an email to the cashier office in order to check the type of hold that is preventing you to register for the term. Cashier office email is cashieroffice@delicious-drop.com
For any other questions, please send an email to CashierOffice@delicious-drop.com or call 707-864-7000, ext. 7210. Due to FERPA requirements, we request that if you are inquiring about your specific student account details, please use your Solano email account to email the Cashier Office team. Be sure to include your ID# and full name.